Source code for pygitrepo.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    import typing
except:  # pragma: no cover

import os
import shutil
from re import findall

[docs]def split_s3_uri(s3_uri): """ Split AWS S3 URI, returns bucket and key. :type s3_uri: str :rtype: typing.Tuple[str, str] """ parts = s3_uri.split("/") bucket = parts[2] key = "/".join(parts[3:]) return bucket, key
[docs]def join_s3_uri(bucket, key): """ Join AWS S3 URI from bucket and key. :type bucket: str :type key: str :rtype: str """ return "s3://{}/{}".format(bucket, key)
[docs]def s3_key_smart_join(parts, is_dir): """ Note, it assume that there's no such double slack in your path. It ensure that there's only one consecutive "/" in the s3 key. :type parts: typing.List[str] :param parts: list of s3 key path parts, could have "/" :type is_dir: bool :param is_dir: if True, the s3 key ends with "/". otherwise enforce no tailing "/". :rtype: str Example:: >>> s3_key_smart_join(parts=["/a/", "b/", "/c"], is_dir=True) a/b/c/ >>> s3_key_smart_join(parts=["/a/", "b/", "/c"], is_dir=False) a/b/c """ new_parts = list() for part in parts: new_parts.extend([chunk for chunk in part.split("/") if chunk]) key = "/".join(new_parts) if is_dir: return key + "/" else: return key
[docs]def make_s3_console_url(bucket=None, prefix=None, s3_uri=None): """ Return an AWS Console url that you can use to open it in your browser. :type bucket: str :type prefix: str :type s3_uri: str :rtype: str """ if s3_uri is None: if (bucket is None) or (prefix is None): raise ValueError else: pass else: if (bucket is not None) or (prefix is not None): raise ValueError bucket, prefix = split_s3_uri(s3_uri) if prefix.endswith("/"): s3_type = "buckets" else: s3_type = "object" return "{s3_type}/{bucket}?prefix={prefix}".format( s3_type=s3_type, bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix )
[docs]def s3_uri_to_url(s3_uri): """ Convert a S3 URI to AWS S3 Console url for preview. :type s3_uri :rtype: str """ bucket, key = split_s3_uri(s3_uri) return make_s3_console_url(bucket=bucket, prefix=key)
[docs]def ensure_s3_object(s3_key_or_uri): """ Raise exception if the string is not in valid format for a AWS S3 object """ if s3_key_or_uri.endswith("/"): raise ValueError("'{}' doesn't represent s3 object!".format(s3_key_or_uri))
[docs]def ensure_s3_dir(s3_key_or_uri): """ Raise exception if the string is not in valid format for a AWS S3 directory """ if not s3_key_or_uri.endswith("/"): raise ValueError("'{}' doesn't represent s3 dir!".format(s3_key_or_uri))
[docs]def strip_comment_line_with_symbol(line, start): # pragma: no cover """ Strip comments from line string. """ parts = line.split(start) counts = [len(findall(r'(?:^|[^"\\]|(?:\\\\|\\")+)(")', part)) for part in parts] total = 0 for nr, count in enumerate(counts): total += count if total % 2 == 0: return start.join(parts[:nr + 1]).rstrip() else: # pragma: no cover return line.rstrip()
[docs]def strip_comments(string, comment_symbols=frozenset(('#', '//'))): # pragma: no cover """ Strip comments from json string. :param string: A string containing json with comments started by comment_symbols. :param comment_symbols: Iterable of symbols that start a line comment (default # or //). :return: The string with the comments removed. """ lines = string.splitlines() for k in range(len(lines)): for symbol in comment_symbols: lines[k] = strip_comment_line_with_symbol(lines[k], start=symbol) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs]def remove_if_exists(abspath): """ Remove a file or a directory (and it's files) if exists. :type abspath: str """ if not os.path.exists(abspath): return if os.path.isdir(abspath): shutil.rmtree(abspath) else: os.remove(abspath)
[docs]def makedir_if_not_exists(abspath): """ Make a directory and all required parent folder if not exists. :type abspath: str """ if os.path.exists(abspath): return os.makedirs(abspath)
[docs]def copy_python_code(from_dir, to_dir): """ Copy all python source code from one directory to another. Skip ``__pycache__``, ``.pyc`` and ``.pyo`` files. :type from_dir: str :type to_dir: str """ remove_if_exists(to_dir) pycache = "__pycache__" for dirname, _, basename_list in os.walk(from_dir): relpath = os.path.relpath(dirname, from_dir) target_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(to_dir, relpath)) if target_dir.endswith(pycache): continue else: makedir_if_not_exists(target_dir) for basename in basename_list: # ignore .pyc, the compiled byte code # and .pyo, the optimized import cache if basename.endswith(".pyc") or basename.endswith(".pyo"): continue else: source_path = os.path.join(dirname, basename) target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, basename) shutil.copyfile(source_path, target_path)